Step 28
Createnew layer then convert it to Clipping Mask by pressing Command/Ctrl + Alt + G.Draw highlight on top of the lens.
创建新层,然后将其转换为剪贴蒙按命令/按Ctrl+ Alt+G借鉴镜头前的亮点。
Step 29
Createnew layer and put it behind shape we have just created. Create circularselection and fill it with black. Soften it by adding Gaussian Blur (Filter> Blur > Gaussian Blur).
Step 30
Draw acircle shape with color #212121. Duplicate shape then move it 5 px up. Set pathmode to Subtract.
Step 31
Next,create a ring shape. To create this shape, start with a regular circle shape,duplicate the path and transform it to smaller size. Set path mode to Subtract.Add Bevel and Emboss and Gradient Overlay.
Step 32
We willstart drawing inner part of the lens. First, I want you to know that they arejust simply lots of circle shapes combined with layer style. Draw a circleshape inside the lens.
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