Step 36
I want to add some scratches to the bush’s handle for some addedrealism. To do this, open a new document and make a thin brush stoke. Selectthe stroke and go to Edit > Define Brush Preset to make it into a brush.
Step 37
Open your Brush Panel and adjust the settings to give the new brush variable size and scatter.
Step 38
Back to the main document, on an new clipping layer, use the scratchesbrush we just created to draw black scratches on the grip.
Step 39
Create another clipping layer and add a few more scratches, thistime in white. Adjust the opacity of both layers so the scratches are barelyvisible (darker monitors might have trouble picking this up). Your image shouldresemble the following:
Step 40
As an optional step, you can go in to the “Metal Band” layer and usethe same scratches brush to add scratches to the metal.
作为一个可选择的步骤,你可以去“Metal Band”图层,并用同样的手法在金属上添加一些划痕。
Step 41
Back in the “Handle” group, on a new clipping layer, use the BrushTool to paint a soft highlight as shown (make sure you are not using theScratches brush). Change the Blend If settings as shown and change its opacityto 80%.
Step 42
On an new clipping layer, create another, thinner highlight on topof the last one. Adjust the Blend If settings similar to the last layer we didand change the Opacity to 12%.在一个新的剪切层上,在顶部创建另一个高光亮点,并12%
Step 43
On a new clipping layer, create an oval and fill it with white.Rotate it in to perspective and add a layer mask to erase part of the bottom ofthe oval. Adjust the Blend If slider and set its Blending Mode to Overlay.
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