Creating still-life objects inPhotoshop is often great practice for learning how to create other objects. Intoday’s tutorial we will demonstrate how to create a realistic-looking paintbrush using layer styles, clipping masks, andthe not-so-commonly-used blend if sliders. Let’s get started!
Step 1
Create a new document (2400px x2175 px). Sketch out a scene of a paintbrush.
(创建一个新的文档(2400px x 2175px),勾画一个漆刷的场景。)
Step 2
This step is optional, but I’veadded some additional visual guides to help me draw the bristles.
Step 3
Before we start drawingbristles, create a New Group called “Bristles.” Inside this group, create alayer called “Bristles” and add the following Layer Style.
(在我们开始绘制刷毛前,先创建一个新组命名为“Bristles” 。在这个组里,创建一个名为“Bristles”的图层,并添加下面的图层样式。)
Step 4
Duplicate the empty layer 5times. Since we are making a lot of bristles, we are going to be drawing themon five separate layers. If we tried to draw them all on one layer, the strokeswould blend together and ruin the layer style that’s applied. Select thebottom-most layer in the “Bristles” group and, with a small brush, startdrawing lines using the guides and sketch as references.
Step 5
Continue drawing bristles onthe remaining four layers, adding some variation and stray bristles as you go.Feel free to add more layers as you see necessary.
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