

来源:未知 作者:admin 学习:739人次

创建一个新文档,大小为1920 x 1200,之后设置渐变色:





Firstly, we are going to enhance the background layer with some moresimulated light. Do this by selecting a nice complementary colour init’s brightest shade (1.) and a big 300px brush. The rest is up to you,but I recommend working on a fresh layer as this gives you theflexibility to build up a few colours. It also helps if you don’t likehow its going, a bigger brush sometimes helps.
Once your happy withthe background you will probably want to add some depth by copying youroriginal linework. Do this by dragging the glowing line layer onto thenew layer button in the layers menu twice (1.) This will look like tomuch at first but the next stage will really improve the image.
Goto the menu and click Filter > Blur > Guassian Blur and applyabout a strength 5 blur. With this layer selected slightly rotate itusing Cmd + T and you may want to distort it by holding Cmd anddragging a corner when the transform handles appear.
To add a reallydynamic moving effect get your second duplicated layer and apply aradial blur to it. Do this by going to the menu and clicking Filter> Blur > Radial blur. Playing with different strengths will helpyou get the look thats right for your image. Its fairly strong on mypiece hence the very opaque look. Less strength will create a more ‘vibrational ‘ effect.
Finally I have added a few ways of making yourartwork even more distinctive. The possibilities are endless but here’swhat I’ve done.


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